Dr. Patana Teng
Anti Aging & Longevity Strategeis in Nutrition / Hormones
Dr. Teng-umnuay received his medical degree with first class honors from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 1986 and also board certification in Internal Medicine and Nephrology in 1990 and 1992. Then, he went to study at the University of Florida in the field of Molecular Cell Biology where he earned his PhD degree in 1998. Dr. Teng-umnuay is one of the well-known lecturers on the subjects of nutraceutical supplements, stem cell biology, and anti-aging medicine. Currently, he serves as a dean of College of Integrative Medicine and assistant professor of the Anti-aging and regenerative program at Dhurakij Pundit University. Dr. Teng-umnuay was awarded a quality person of the year in the field of medical business from the Foundation of Science and Technology Council of Thailand.